Thursday, June 9, 2011

project 365 - G12... 08-06-11


project 365 - G12... 07-06-11


project 365 - G12... 06-06-11


project 365 - G12... 05-06-11

lady justice

project 365 - G12... 04-06-11


project 365 - G12... 03-06-11


project 365 - G12... 02-06-11

nap time

project 365 - G12... 01-06-11


project 365 - G12... 31-05-11

going down (click photo to enlarge)
this was shot using the hdr function again, hence the appearance of this man's 'ghost'!

project 365 - G12... 30-05-11

shangri-la (click photo to enlarge)
nothing too fancy here... just looking for an interesting angle to shoot the shangri-la hotel in admiralty.

project 365 - G12... 29-05-11

hotstep (click photo to enlarge)
boy have i been slack! time to catch up with the blogging. this was taken in my neighborhood about an hour before sunset. i saw the shadows people were making, stood, waited, shot. turned the image to mono, then brought the yellow line back to life.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

project 365 - G12... 28-05-11

zig and zag (click photo to enlarge)
again in central, three different buildings each with different patterns.

project 365 - G12... 27-05-11

look up (click photo to enlarge)
taken in central. i liked the contrast of the billboard model with the blandness of the building. i made the building b & w to further emphasize the difference.

project 365 - G12... 26-05-11

splash (click photo to enlarge)
this was taken on the last day of vacation in grand baie, mauritius. kids climb on boat... kids jump off boat... repeat!

project 365 - G12... 25-05-11

welcome to paradise (click photo to enlarge)
another two days in mauritius on the way home... a nice place to relax and reflect on the time in madagascar. this is 'two coconuts' island. some of the clearest water i've seen anywhere. yes, it really does look like this!

project 365 - G12... 24-05-11

skateboard (click photo to enlarge)
on the way to antananarivo airport on the last day in madagascar. a group of city kids are playing on their home made skateboard.

Friday, May 27, 2011

project 365 - G12... 23-05-11

taxi brousse (click photo to enlarge)
this backhand shot shows the main form of transport in rural madagascar, the 'taxi brousse' or bush taxi. they are generally this size or smaller and always very overloaded!

project 365 - G12... 22-05-11

bites (click photo to enlarge)
another family that we gave some food, clothing and toys to. i must emphasize that these families were not asking for help, they were just going about their daily business... in this case - collecting firewood. the young girl on the left had many insect bites on her arms. when asked if they were mosquito bites, her grandmother replied 'no, the cockroaches bite her when she is sleeping.'. heart-wrenching stuff!

project 365 - G12... 21-05-11

cookie monster (click photo to enlarge)
we carried many packets of sweet biscuits along the way to give a treat to any random group of kids we bumped into. this is a little girl from one such occasion. many of the children (particularly in rural areas) were too shy to look directly into the camera. i converted to mono mainly because there were some colours in the background that were distracting.

project 365 - G12... 20-05-11

father hat (click photo to enlarge)
on the road again... this was taken using the hdr function on the G12 with the camera sitting on the roof of the car. the formation is called father hat.

project 365 - G12... 19-05-11

h2o (click photo to enlarge)
this shot was taken near anja reserve in central madagascar. it's a very typical scene as most villages don't have running water. here four ladies are carrying water from the river to their village about 3km away.

project 365 - G12... 18-05-11

chameleon (click photo to enlarge)
another example of how well the G12 does with macro shots. this was taken while on a night walk in ranomafana national park. this was one of several species we saw. 

project 365 - G12... 17-05-11

traffic jam (click photo to enlarge)
second day on the road and we repeatedly came across herds of zebu. our driver spoke to the herders and found out that they had come all the way from the south and had been walking for four weeks and had about four more weeks to go to get them to market in antananarivo!

project 365 - G12... 16-05-11

reliable transport (click photo to enlarge)
i was surprised to see rickshaws alive and well in madagascar! and these guys don't just walk, they run... all day! this shot was taken from inside a moving car. i saw this shot as it was about to happen and was lucky enough to shoot it. not the sharpest or best composed shot, but i'm glad i got it.

project 365 - G12... 15-05-11

au revoir maurice (click photo to enlarge)
flight from mauritius to madagascar.

project 365 - G12... 14-05-11

sunset palm (click photo to enlarge)
what can i say? it was another lazy day!

project 365 - G12... 13-05-11

beach selfie (click photo to enlarge)
selfie on the beach in mauritius. nuff said.

project 365 - G12... 12-05-11

maurice (click photo to enlarge)
what a difference a day makes! this is the view of the hotel beach at ocean villas resort, mauritius.

project 365 - G12... 11-05-11

criss-cross (click photo to enlarge)
the last shot before vacation and probably the last b & w architectural shot of the month too. taken from inside the landmark building the layers include an architectural feature, mezzanine platform, window frame and highrise building in the background.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


i will be on vacation for a couple of weeks in the indian ocean and africa so i probably won't have a chance to update the blog. rest assured i will be taking the G12! hopefully i will come back with some nice shots. please check back on the 28th... thanks!

project 365 - G12... 10-05-11

laundry (click photo to enlarge)
another shot taken on kowloon side. this is such a typical scene with the old signs and the laundry hanging out to dry.

project 365 - G12... 09-05-11

9.0 (click photo to enlarge)
this was taken in my hotel room in tokyo. in my mind, the crooked painting on the wall is a reminder of the devastating, 9.0 earthquake that hit japan. (of course, it may have just been accidentally bumped by the cleaner!)

project 365 - G12... 08-05-11

sham shui po (click photo to enlarge)
veering away from the monthly theme again, this shopkeeper was spotted in sham shui po observing the crowds. in general i find the most interesting human subjects to be the young and the old.

project 365 - G12... 07-05-11

reflect (click photo to enlarge)
well, it was a nice idea to come up with a theme for the month... but unfortunately i was nowhere near any buildings today. this is a shot taken on a flight between singapore and hong hong. the sea was incredibly calm allowing for great reflections from the clouds.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

project 365 - G12... 05-05-11

smoke break (click photo to enlarge)
another shot taken in central. it was taken with the hdr function so there's a little bit of motion blur on the guy. i really like the idea of urban shots in hong kong with just one human subject. it's such a hectic city - to get a shot with just one person in it makes it feel so much calmer.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

project 365 - G12... 04-05-11

lippo bridge (click photo to enlarge)
this was taken from queens road in admiralty. i've been a little slack about posting my shots on the day they were taken lately. i'm still shooting everyday, but not blogging on the same day. i will try harder. i don't want to end up with eight months of shots to blog in december!

project 365 - G12... 03-05-11

spotlights (click photo to enlarge)
it seems another of my favourite things to do is use lights of some kind to add some interest to the foreground of a shot. like this one.

project 365 - G12... 02-05-11

shopping (click photo to enlarge)
i've found a common thread in the 'urban' shots i like to take. i typically find a composition that i like and wait for (normally) one person to enter the frame... like this one.

project 365 - G12... 01-05-11

round (click photo to enlarge)
this is the bronze sculpture outside of jardine house. i've decided that may's shots will all be converted to black and white and i will be looking for a strong architectural motif.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

project 365 - G12... 30-04-11

protection (click photo to enlarge)
this was taken outside the old hsbc building. i've noticed that the two lions that are traditionally placed in front of big buildings in hong kong have one with mouth open and one with mouth closed. huh.

project 365 - G12... 29-04-11

supervision (click photo to enlarge)
this was looking into a shop on stanley street that was being refurbished. i managed to get two shots before work stopped. whenever i come upon something interesting like this, i always try to take a shot quickly and then maybe look to see if there's some way i can improve it. this way i at least get 'something'.

project 365 - G12... 28-04-11

princes (click photo to enlarge)
this shot was inspired by a photographer whose work i saw in a magazine. his name is danilo de rossi.

project 365 - G12... 27-04-11

hsbc (click photo to enlarge)
this is taken inside the hsbc building. it's looking up towards the retail banking section and i've placed the camera on the reflective surface of the escalator.

project 365 - G12... 26-04-11

down 84 points (click photo to enlarge)
i was observing this board for a while and not one man wearing a suit was able to pass it without looking at it!

Monday, April 25, 2011

project 365 - G12... 25-04-11

blue and yellow (click photo to enlarge)
another beautiful day in hong kong and another shot of a building! i can't help it, i'm always looking up and i seem to always find something that interests me!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

project 365 - G12... 24-04-11

pool (click photo to enlarge)
another shot in kennedy town today. such a clear day, i took a wander and my eye was drawn to this building. it's the brand new public pool facility. like yesterday, i used the hdr function again but this shot looked better in (slightly de-saturated) colour.

project 365 - G12... 23-04-11

overpass (click photo to enlarge)
this is another shot of the overpass that cuts through the buildings in kennedy town. i used the hdr function on the G12 and preferred the way it looked when converted to mono.

project 365 - G12... 22-04-11

change (click photo to enlarge)
this is a shot looking down a typical alley in causeway bay with a bright neon sign of a money changer in the foreground. i liked the irony of a modern sign saying 'change' in a scene that probably looked exactly the same thirty years ago.

Friday, April 22, 2011

project 365 - G12... 21-04-11

keys (click photo to enlarge)
i saw this blind lady busking on a street corner today. she had a little electronic keyboard and an amplifier in plastic bags.

project 365 - G12... 20-04-11

gring gring! (click photo to enlarge)
i saw this bike parked on the side of the road today and i liked how the silver bell reflected the street and buildings.