Saturday, April 30, 2011

project 365 - G12... 30-04-11

protection (click photo to enlarge)
this was taken outside the old hsbc building. i've noticed that the two lions that are traditionally placed in front of big buildings in hong kong have one with mouth open and one with mouth closed. huh.

project 365 - G12... 29-04-11

supervision (click photo to enlarge)
this was looking into a shop on stanley street that was being refurbished. i managed to get two shots before work stopped. whenever i come upon something interesting like this, i always try to take a shot quickly and then maybe look to see if there's some way i can improve it. this way i at least get 'something'.

project 365 - G12... 28-04-11

princes (click photo to enlarge)
this shot was inspired by a photographer whose work i saw in a magazine. his name is danilo de rossi.

project 365 - G12... 27-04-11

hsbc (click photo to enlarge)
this is taken inside the hsbc building. it's looking up towards the retail banking section and i've placed the camera on the reflective surface of the escalator.

project 365 - G12... 26-04-11

down 84 points (click photo to enlarge)
i was observing this board for a while and not one man wearing a suit was able to pass it without looking at it!

Monday, April 25, 2011

project 365 - G12... 25-04-11

blue and yellow (click photo to enlarge)
another beautiful day in hong kong and another shot of a building! i can't help it, i'm always looking up and i seem to always find something that interests me!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

project 365 - G12... 24-04-11

pool (click photo to enlarge)
another shot in kennedy town today. such a clear day, i took a wander and my eye was drawn to this building. it's the brand new public pool facility. like yesterday, i used the hdr function again but this shot looked better in (slightly de-saturated) colour.

project 365 - G12... 23-04-11

overpass (click photo to enlarge)
this is another shot of the overpass that cuts through the buildings in kennedy town. i used the hdr function on the G12 and preferred the way it looked when converted to mono.

project 365 - G12... 22-04-11

change (click photo to enlarge)
this is a shot looking down a typical alley in causeway bay with a bright neon sign of a money changer in the foreground. i liked the irony of a modern sign saying 'change' in a scene that probably looked exactly the same thirty years ago.

Friday, April 22, 2011

project 365 - G12... 21-04-11

keys (click photo to enlarge)
i saw this blind lady busking on a street corner today. she had a little electronic keyboard and an amplifier in plastic bags.

project 365 - G12... 20-04-11

gring gring! (click photo to enlarge)
i saw this bike parked on the side of the road today and i liked how the silver bell reflected the street and buildings.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

project 365 - G12... 19-04-11

gold (click photo to enlarge)
i caught this reflection of a reflection in central today. nothing too special here, i just liked the gold tones. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

project 365 - G12... 18-04-11

another selfie (click photo to enlarge)
i seem to have been straying from the unofficial april theme of shooting people of late... oops. well this kind of brings us back. it's a shot of me taken in the lobby area of one of the skyscrapers in central. looking at this shot now it seems obvious to me that i should have been looking up to include my face as an extra point of interest. oh well! i plan on revisiting many of my shots (from the G12 project) with my slr camera one day to get some better quality images. i think this will be one of them.

project 365 - G12... 17-04-11

harcourt (click photo to enlarge)
i'm always looking up and down when i'm crossing one of the many pedestrian bridges in hong kong. all i have to do when i find an interesting angle below me is compose, then frame, then wait... the taxis will come! 

project 365 - G12... 16-04-11

heads (click photo to enlarge)
you would never guess that i live near "dried seafood street"! i can always seem to find something interesting to shoot there. it seems these vendors don't want to waste anything when it comes to these fish - yet when it comes to shark, they don't mind wasting the whole animal except for the fins!! did i mention that i'm against 'shark finning'?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

project 365 - G12... 14-04-11

pano (click photo to enlarge, you know you should)
i was on the kowloon side of the harbour today so time to test out the G12 with a pano shot. this is eight shots, all taken vertically. the camera was set to manual with the iso at 80. the whole thing was stitched together with photoshop. i'm very impressed with the job photoshop did on automatic mode!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

project 365 - G12... 13-04-11

hike (click photo to enlarge)
i went for a hike up to the peak again today and as usual i had the G12 with me. i thought it might be interesting to dangle the camera by the strap near to the ground and see what i could come up with. even at its widest i found the shot was too close to my feet. so i found a stick that was about a foot long and dangled the camera from the end of that. i got some curious looks from passers by (but i'm getting used to that).

project 365 - G12... 12-04-11

decay (click photo to enlarge)
i saw this on a wall not far from my place. i found the textures very interesting. the seepage, different colour paints, chipped paint and chinese characters all made it visually appealing to me.

Monday, April 11, 2011

project 365 - G12... 11-04-11

more cardboard (click photo to enlarge)
another cardboard lady today, also on queens road. observing her at work she pours water on much of the cardboard (i'm assuming to make it softer and easier to work with).

project 365 - G12... 10-04-11

fishes (click photo to enlarge)
this was taken at one of the wet markets on graham street. i like the way they still use the old fashioned scale.

project 365 - G12... 09-04-11

lion tamer (click photo to enlarge)
i was lucky enough to attend a circus themed party this evening. everyone made such a great effort with their costumes. i really like jenna's expression here. simon's could use a little work though!

Friday, April 8, 2011

project 365 - G12... 08-04-11

black light (click photo to enlarge)
i didn't find any 'person of interest' to shoot today. but it was a very clear day so i looked up when i was walking around and found this shot on wellington street. i've taken a few shots similar to this one. i like breaking up the scene with the light poles.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

project 365 - G12... 07-04-11

haha (click photo to enlarge)
i found this happy fella outside a framing shop near hollywood road having a good old chat with his buddy. i moved around into a position where the large mirror leaning behind him became the background. i was lucky enough to get a shot when he was laughing.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

project 365 - G12... 06-04-11

paper (click photo to enlarge)
these ladies are all over hong kong, collecting paper and cardboard to take to recycling for cash. the tricky part is shooting them inconspicuously before they give you the 'death stare' or start shouting at you! nothing like a challenge.

project 365 - G12... 05-04-11

cheese! (click photo to enlarge)

i saw this mainland chinese couple in central today. whenever i see other people taking photos i always look just in case they're seeing something that i've missed. it's also interesting to see what other people find interesting... i'm sure i've had a few curious looks in my day! luckily, this digital camera was causing some confusion here which meant i had ample time to sneak around and get the shot.

project 365 - G12... 04-04-11

190 (click photo to enlarge)
this shot was taken on queens road. i positioned myself across the road, composed the shot and then waited for people to walk through. i like this guy because i found most people walk around looking at the ground. i didn't come up with an official theme for the month, but i think i will try to concentrate more on shooting people.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

project 365 - G12... 03-04-11

rooftop (click photo to enlarge)
this shot is taken from my roof. i wanted to combine aspects of the two shots i took last week of the graffiti and the light trails. so i set up the camera on the gorillapod - framed what i thought was an interesting composition - manual exposure, 15 seconds, f/8 - left the shutter open for about 12 seconds then moved the camera back a little and shook it around a bit. and then a little something else...

project 365 - G12... 02-04-11

gisele (click photo to enlarge)
this is an ad on the side of a tram taken through a barbed wire fence. it represents the closest that i will ever get to doing a photoshoot with gisele! :-(

project 365 - G12... 01-04-11

spring (click photo to enlarge)
this was taken on kotewall rd. after hiking up to the peak on the morning trail. it was a beautiful day and it actually felt like spring. the red flowers blooming made it look like spring too. ooohhhh!