Saturday, January 29, 2011

project 365 - G12... 28-01-11

second trip to the emergency room today. the procedure du jour is an mri. not overly pleasant either, especially if you're claustrophobic. but the real story was, realising that spending time in the hospital and not grabbing the camera on my way out the door meant two days without a shot. what a dilemma! i've been so determined so far to post pictures only taken on that day! so, do i lie and just post one of my other pictures; or tell the truth and 'fail' in my goal to post a shot everyday? i've gone with the truth option (obviously). it doesn't really feel like a fail to me though; i'll just end up with 363 shots. no biggie! i've just got to remember next time i'm rushing off to the hospital to grab the camera!

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