Monday, January 31, 2011

january reflections

my thoughts on january...

well, the first month of the project is behind me. eleven months to go! although i'm a little disappointed to have missed two days, i'm pretty happy with the way it's gone so far. other than the hospital fiasco, i'm generally not anywhere without the G12. i'm not quite sure what the subject material might be for the next 330+ shots but i'm definitely going to keep on going and find out.

i think my composition has improved slightly over the month and i'm more confident (and interested) in taking random shots of strangers. some days the motivation is lower than others, but i expected that. you can see the whole month in one place on my facebook page. and some other shots that didn't make it in my 'b sides' set on flickr.

the G12 is performing well, including in -15c temperature in new york! i find the controls reasonably intuitive and well placed. although i'm sometimes not sure if the function i'm looking for at the time is found my pushing the 'menu' button or the 'func. set' button. i'm sure the more i use it, the easier that will become. having big hands means holding the camera the way it was designed (with the thumb just to the right of the 'play' button) feels a little unnatural and i find that most of the time my thumb ends up on the bottom right corner of the screen. also i find some of the controls are easily, inadvertently bumped; accidentally changing settings during shooting. in particular the exposure compensation dial, the iso dial and the main control dial. i guess i'll do a full review of the camera at the end of the year. i reckon canon might be interested in what i have to say... in january alone i took 1,245 shots. if i continue at that rate i'll end up taking around 15,000 by the end of the year!

i've decided february is going to be 'poladroid' month! no, i didn't misspell polaroid - 'poladroid' is a fun little download i found that "converts" your shots to look like a polaroid shot (see below). i will set the G12 to take square shots and readjust my thinking to compose within a square frame. i'll probably try to shoot more people too. kung hei fat choi! here goes!...

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